The Modern Gods
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The Website contains the simple beginnings of Computer

Technology, the ultimate blessing from our fore fathers, the


It shows how computers evolve throughout the

ages from ancient inventors like the Hero of Alexandria to

Charles Babbage and then to modern genius Bill Gates.

It discusses the essential parts of the Hardware and Software

Systems, Programming languages and Artificial


It helps us appreciate our roots and origins by

going back to basics. But moreover, it helps us embrace

diversity or what is to come in the future. 

The Website is patterned with an Olympian theme. The

theme was chosen for we, the webmasters, believe that

technology is one of the most precious gift from God


That humans are the gods over computers. For without our

intelligence, they would not have existed in the first place.

For we control the power over these computers, and not the

other way around.

So, with this said, enjoy our website. Enjoy the abundance
of the most powerful computer in the world- Our brains.

*****The Modern Gods*****